+507 3068000


  • Jonathan Bustamante
  • No Comments



The prizes will be delivered on the following dates:

Friday, April 26, at 2:00 p.m., at the warehouse the cost of Albrook Mall, on the first floor next to the cash registers.

Thursday, May 2, at 2:00 p.m., at the warehouse the cost of Albrook Mall, on the first floor next to the cash registers.

Winners Please confirm the Mail attendance day mercadeo1@elcosto.com


B/. 1,000.00

Alejandra Santander 9-756-80

B/. 500.00

Julio César Sepulveda Justavino 8-781-1092
Yareli Yabel Martínez García 8-799-690
Arisleyda Rodriguez Linares PPN0045247
Eudelia Batista Castillo 8-363-830

B/. 300.00

Silvia María Fallas 112600087
Katiusca Jimenez 9-759-178
Grecia Camarena Morán 8-834-893
Adi Cecilia Flores 2-137-933
Lourdes Castillo Castillo 8-488-202
Tiffany Kimberly Cañate González 3-739-752
Meilin Yaneth Pérez 7-705-455
Eliana Margarita Pérez Rodríguez AN-270582
Rodolfo Rolando Ramos Torres 8-778-1395
Eugenio Moises Batista Mendoza 6-713-2185
Marlene Díaz Borbua 8-751-2016
María Angélica Choy Rudas 8-799-2390
Catherine Michel Quirós Rodríguez 8-890-1506
Zuleyma Reneyra Miranda 5-701-238
Sandra Edith Batista Berroa 4-744-850
Luis Ernesto Caballero 8-773-77
Eritza Itzel Jamarillo Sánchez 8-853-1370
Viodelda Judith Apas Moreno 8-393-704
Alisson Paola Vega Jimenéz 4-747-1000
Mindy Leigh Cooper Phipps PE-11-1798
Sandra Irine Méndez Rodríguez 8-761-901
Isais José Palacios Mendozas C01516371
Kelvida De Gaiza Bedoya 5-703-1647
Rosa Elvira Gutierrez De Maitín 8-726-1458
Darling Auxiliadora Matamoros De Fuentes E-8-128751
Doris Mariela Ponce Carrillo 8-836-2301
Yorgelis Bianeth Aguilar Mendoza 8-911-987
Avelardo Serrano Castillo 1-734-2051
Alejandra Argenis Gaona González 8-713-1339
Erika Rosaura Lindo Bowie 8-520-1395
Kadir Aaron González Dávila 8-845-242
José María Quintero Quintero 6-709-319
Nitzia Judith Saenz Díaz 7-107-28
Zuleika Stevellana Forbes Waton 1-36-779
José Luis Justiniani Cáceres 8-929-1006
Elia Esther Sánchez Beitía 4-138-543
Dileydis Joselinne Osorio De García 8-720-336
Sara Esther Carrasco 1-38-323
Eglis González 7-701-280
Auristela López 8-209-2292
Genarina Góndola 3-89-2266
Jennyfer Williams 8-777-1992
Angel Javier Guerrero Duarte PAP693320
Siris Geovany Serrano Borbua 371227
Edgardo Armando Sánchez 8-845-734
Belkis Jannette Espino Córdoba 8-856-2465
María Magdalena Miranda Pineda 9-752-1243
Valerie Vanessa Bethancourt 8-819-1153
Olga Cecilia Humphreys Mc Gowa 3-72-668
Abdiel José Hernandez 8-827-220
Eduardo Enrique Gonzalez 8-831-2265
Zuleika del Carmen Ríos 8-799-889
Domitila Cedeño Gill 8-1055-872
María José Peña Flores 9-719-1551