1,800 young people from 40 companies answered the Employers for Youth (EFY) survey where TELERE highlighted among the best young employers’ companies in Panama.
More than 1,800 young professionals participated in the second version of the Employers for Youth survey, in which Telered has been distinguished at number 14th and occupies 2nd of 8 companies in The study highlights the best companies that provide opportunities in learning, stability and work environment for young people in Panama. The survey is developed by company FirstJob, leader in young professionals in Latin America.
For Joaquín Tribaldos, Vice President of Finance and Corporate Services of Telered “The distinction that young people provide us by assessing us among the best reflects the sustained effort made for Labor life in Telered to generate high levels of satisfaction. Each day we come focused on being more innovative, creative, responsible, entire, helpful and reliable, translating these values into actions and decisions that have led us to be leaders in electronic transactions and digital media in Panama. ”
It is the second year in which this study is performed in Panama, but the first year in which Telered participates. The organization has several years accompanying the processes of technological change with a new model of organizational culture, as part of its strategic map, based on a decided bet for talent and people.
Among the concrete initiatives that give way to the cultural transformation in Telered is the project to redesign the spaces at Corporate Headquarters that encourages high levels of collaborative work and innovation, the aggressive brand strategy as an employing company that has been strengthened
“We are creating a work environment that takes care and promotes the talent of our collaborators,” Tribaldos added. “The growth opportunities we offer, our innovative culture and benefits help maintain a high standard of job satisfaction and makes Telered, be one of the organizations preferred by young people when it comes to being used in Panama,” the executive said.